Welcome to the Best Ever Golf Association League page. We currently have three leagues. One in Huntsville [Monday - 9 holes)], and Two Traveling Leagues [Tuesday Seniors (18 Hole) for our retirees and [Saturday Weekenders (18 Hole)] for all our golfers.
League Play
- League presidents will determine specific rules concerning format, length of the season, and location for each BEGA sponsored league.
- League play locations and format will be determined by the league presidents. Leagues may elect to play at a single course for the entire season or to travel to different courses during the season.
- League awards may be given to flight winners and the league champions. League presidents will determine if weekly prizes for various categories (such as most points, least putts, most birdies, etc), are awarded.
- All leagues require members keep their scores on a paper scorecard and electronically using the Golfsoftware.com app. At the end of each round members must ensure the scorecards and electronic scores match. The scores will be automatically added to the BEGA handicap system at the end of the round. Members using GHIN will be responsible for entering their scores manually into GHIN after the round.
- At the end of the season, each league champion will compete for the overall BEGA Championship in October.